
Becoming More Then We Might've Been Otherwise

Monday, June 28, 2010

I want to be like a Sones kid when I grow up!!!

Life has been pretty fantastic in the Sones house the last few weeks!

Everyone is healthy.

Everyone is happy.

Everyone is full of love.

Steven and I are pretty much the most grateful and proud parents there are on the planet. We have absolutely amazing children who seem to excel in everything they do.
After the children’s end-of-the-year awards ceremony their principal asked, “Ok, so what’s your secret?”

I said, “I don’t know.”

But really, I do.

Our children are who they are and excel the way they do because of the impact that the gospel has in our lives. Steven and I have been given great gifts and abilities in raising our children because of the guidance of our spirits and the communication of the Holy Ghost.

I am very grateful for the love of our Heavenly Father and the inspiration which He gives.

So here are the meat and potatoes of the awards…

Emmanuel received the ever coveted, President’s Award for Educational ExcellenceI won’t get into the politics of it all because I don’t want to take away from the honor this award represents.

This award came with a certificate, and a letter. The letter reads:

“Please accept my congratulations on receiving the president’s Education Award. This honor is a testament to your determination and commitment to excellence, and I hope you take pride in your accomplishment.

Nothing is more important to our Nation’s long-term success than our future leaders for the world they will inherit. We face great challenges as a country, and we will need young people like you to take up these challenges and make them your own.

As you step into the current of history, I encourage you to cultivate a love of learning, serve your community, and reach for your highest aspirations. I wish you the best."

Barack Obama

As soon as Emmanuel knew of this award, he was determined to receive it, and he did!

It is available to 5th-8th graders. He also received awards for music, band, accelerated reader, sportsmanship, and being a library helper. We are so very proud of his accomplishments and his determination in everything he does. Emmanuel is quite an inspirational young man.

Hannah was also at the podium a few times! She was awarded with the classroom citizenship certificate, as well as for being in the story telling program and for being a library helper.

Her award for classroom citizenship (also a national program) reads:

"Hannah Sones understands what it means to be a good citizen and demonstrates those qualities every day. She has the integrity to say what she means and to mean what she says. Her love of learning, which is infectious, often goes beyond what is required. She enjoys sharing newfound knowledge and skills with her classmates. Frequently, Hannah can be found helping another student with a troubling assignment or a disorganized desk. She is a people person who is patient and kind. Hannah does her best to make others feel valued, accepted and will readily help others in need. There isn’t a day that goes by when Hannah does not ask, ‘Is there anything I can do to help?'

It is with these stellar attributes that Hannah Sones is a model citizen at Roy B. Kelley elementary School."

Hannah was surprised by this award and very graciously accepted it. Her humility only adds to her unique and exceptional character. She has great things in store for her, including a determination to receive the President’s award next year.

Elijah also was awarded with two certificates. One for being a member of Student Council and one for reading accelerated readers. He was kinda bummed that he didn’t get any fancy awards like his brother and sisters, but that should not take away from his accomplishments. The citizenship award could be given to only one kid in each class, so there was no way he and Hannah could get it. Plus he was honored to be chosen for Student Council so it should be considered a wash. I do want the world to know that Elijah has done amazing things this year. His spirit and character consistently shine, even in the most challenging of times. His grades are more-than fantastic and he continues to inspire us every day.

Sarah also was awarded the citizenship award in her classroom. Her award is very touching and after the principal read it she said, “Maybe a future President?”

Her award reads:

"This citizenship award is presented to a little girl who genuinely exhibits the following principles:

· Honesty
· Compassion
· Respect
· Responsibility
· Courage

Sarah Sones is a first grader who is truthful with herself and others. She cares about her classmates, teachers, friends, and family. She lives-up to the expectations of her school community and family by following rules, making good choices, and always inquiring about the needs of others. She values learning and does her best to ensure that not only she is educated, but that all children in her surrounding world have the opportunities to learn. Sarah’s kind and strong spirit enables her to do the right thing even when it’s unpopular or difficult. Sarah is a child with a mission, she wants a better world. Sarah is willing to take it upon herself and be that person, that one child, who will make a difference in our world. Sarah makes our school a better place simply by being kind, being helpful, being gentle, being soft spoken, and valuing education. Congratulations Sarah for being the recipient of the Roy B Kelley’s Citizenship Award for the school ear of 2009-2010!"

Pretty amazing stuff, huh?All four of them had mostly A’s on their report cards and mostly O’s for effort.

I am very grateful for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for His desire to inspire us. I am amazed by my children and their accomplishments at such young ages. The future looks very bright and even though I wish I could stop time right now, I look forward for what Heavenly father has in store for them in this life.